Monday, January 24, 2011

12 Great Design Portfolio Sites

10 Ways to use the Web to Promote your Business

1. Create a profile in social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn.

2. Make commercial or any videos about the business for sites like YouTube and Flickr.

3. Create a blog.

4. Engage with your customers by replying back to comments or chat in your built-in chat system on your site if you have any.

5. Update your blog and website often. Having new things keeps your customer not so bored and could also draw in more crowds.

6.Register with search engine like Google, Yahoo, and Ask.

7. Make it easy for people to find your website and blog. Use good meta tags and key information in your content for search engine to bring your website up.

8. Bring your customers and audience together in let them get involved with each other and discuss things.

9. Come up with good titles for blogs. The quality of your title determines how well your article will be found.

10. Submit your name to many website directories to advertise your business.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Effective Online Marketing Campaign

The web is the best place to go to for marketing campaign because everyone surfs the web. Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, and Twitter are very common sites where people go on and businesses can take advantages of these sites. On Facebook, you can create a group for the business and start posting ads or other things and also put it out there for everyone to "like" by sending out requests and let them no you are there. You could also create a Twitter account and post up things like  discounted items or special offers. Users love it. Same way goes to blogs, special offers and also thoughts here and there. Then there's Youtube. Make a video ad and put it up…you'll eventually have to if you want the business to succeed!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

10 Reasons to Hire a Professional Designer

1. Saves you time. A professional designer is professional for a reason. It's their job to design so you could save time frustrating in designing something corny.

2. Not only will you get just a beautiful work but it is professionally done too!

3. Save money instead wasting extra money for print companies to redo a design rather than having a designer fix the problem and have it "print ready" file in the first place.

4. They know how to use professional design software properly and quickly.

5. Having great and unique designs and ideas can help your business get more recognized from others because it looks different and interesting.

6. A professional is trained to have an eye for detail and design layout.

7. Designers could help you solve some problems. If you want to describe something about your company through brand, they could help come up with ideas and design it.

8. They know how to properly communicate your message by organizing your information into one simple thing.

9. They could design a website and program them into search engines to be able to be found in sites like

10. You just suck at designing...

10 Pitfalls to Avoid in Web Design

1. Spelling Errors - Always reread your whole content for spelling and grammar errors. It would be embarrassing and would make users think you are pretty bad business because of bad spelling. This shows quality.

2. Flow - Make it obvious for users to know how the site will flow to each page.

3. Hit Counters - Nobody cares how much hits you have. This could hurt you more than it can help.

4. Long Pages - If the user needs to scroll down forever in order to read your content, they will probably just skip it altogether. If that is the case with your website make it shorter by adding bullets and tables.

5. Overuse Images - You don't want your user to wait for those 50 images that you placed in the content. That would actually cause users to leave because they are not interested. Keep it simple with less image as possible.

6. Fancy fonts - They are nice, but are they even readable? Better yet, do some of these users even have the same type of font as you do on the computer? Just play it safe and stick with common and easy to read fonts.

7. Music - Sounds on a website is such a failure and annoying. Also, like overuse images, a longer loading time too which is not good, as explained before. But if you must use it, let them start it themselves.

8. Harsh Colors - Don't use harsh or bright colors. Bad contrast could strain users eyes and give them headaches after staring at a certain amount of time.

9. Intros - Do not force the user to watch or read something before they can access the real content. This is annoying. They will stay only if the intro is really unique.

10. Under Construction Signs -  Don't tell your site isn't ready yet. This just shows how lazy you are and its very amateurish.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

10 Things Not To Include In A Website

1. Flashy pictures could distracts all of your other content on your page. I've seen some websites that overly used this just because it looks nice but it can be really distracting.

2. Same goes for flashy background. This is even worse than having flashy pictures. It's too distracting. Can you imagine having both flashy pictures AND background? Your eyes would melt and your head would pound!

3. Bad color contrast is one thing a lot of designers don't get when they choose colors. It's very hard to carefully choose which is the best colors to use that would help compliment each other.

4. One strange site that I've seen and was a bit hilarious had 5MB worth of content. Basically it was like a whole movie and it took about 30 seconds to a minute to load! I don't know about you, but i was taught to make websites to load as quickly as possible because users lose interest after a certain amount of time which is usually 5-10 seconds.

5. What is the point of even putting content if you have font colors that's really hard to read? I don't see how some of these designers don't understand this when they try to use a blue color font with a dark green background color. It was pretty horrible. I'm guessing the designer must have special vision to be able to read his content.

6. Please keep the website organized and well planned together. I don't wanna see so many different information and irrelevant things that are scattered everywhere throughout the site.

7. Don't have so many different colors in your website layout. It'll make your site look really cheesy. Stick with at the most 3 colors in your theme.

8. After linking your pages together, you always, ALWAYS, make sure they all work and linked really good together. Also make sure your link doesn't link to the wrong page.

9. So i came across one website which was all nice and pretty and very pleasing, but....I couldn't figure out how to navigate through the pages until i found the links in these tiny little egg which is unexpected. I think this is not a good concept. Make sure your links are easy to find and more accessible. I felt a little lost.

10. Never ever use a picture as a scroll locked background image. It's horrible....if I see one, I automatically would be reminded of the bad MySpace layout.